MySpace launched on August 1st, 2003. Marking 15 years since this long lost networking platform’s creation, MySpace was the start of something massive, that in 2003- you wouldn’t think would lay the foundation for the world of social media we know now.

Fast forward to right now. This moment right here. How many social media accounts do you have? Do you use them daily, weekly, monthly? How many ads do you see? Do you ever search something up on Google, open up Facebook a little while later and BOOM- what you just looked up on Google is magically an ad on your Facebook home page? How many times have you seen a product being used or advertised on social media and you immediately bought it? That, my friends, is the power of social media marketing… a key element to any successful business. You may not understand why it is so critical for your business to grow with social media, but by the end of this article- I hope to change your mind.

We begin by examining big name corporations and businesses, such as Apple, Walmart, Nike, and that is just to name a few. What makes these companies stand out from the other, besides the numbers? These names understand the importance of social media, presenting your company and ideas/products, connecting with consumers, and catering to the specific needs of each platform you could use. What this really means is: masterminds of social media work to keep consumers on their feet, engaged, and excited about what is coming next from their favorite brand. Businesses of all sizes and capabilities can benefit in being active on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit…to name a few. 

Social media has the potential to completely revolutionize your brand, depending on how you utilize your resources. It can be easy to sweep your Facebook page under the rug because the only people that have *liked* it are your Aunt Barbara and your best friend from high school. Every page has to start somewhere. Trust the power of reach—when a single post is shown to an audience far larger than your two followers. This not only draws traffic and attention to your page, but it gets the word out online.

The word of social media is faster and far more impressionable than word of mouth. When used efficiently, social media promotions, posts, and interactions can take your business to the next level. The tricky part with social media is that it is ever-changing and trends come and go in the blink of an eye. The key is to stay on top of current trends, and relate to your audience. An easy way to do this is to find a popular meme, gif, or photo circulating viral media and customize it to fit your brand. Viewers and consumers are drawn to what’s popular. Using relatable content knocks down the business + consumer wall. The consumer makes the connection that there is a REAL person behind the posts, and in turn will feel more comfortable with your brand. Again, it is all about staying up to date. Relate to your audience. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries (but always be sure to represent your brand in a positive manner.)

Businesses, brands, and companies new & old- there is no time frame on when you can start up on social media. Allow it to expand your growth and success, social media doesn’t have to carry a negative connotation behind it. In fact, there are many brands that simply started with an Instagram page, that are becoming bigger and better every day. Don’t be afraid of the power of social media marketing.